Brishna, 24, in the Women Detention Center in Kabul. 

She was charged with adultery and murdering her son. She says she is innocent and that the boy was killed by an abusive male cousin who beat and raped her and threatened to kill her if she told anyone. 

On her first trial she was sentenced to 25 years. On her appeal, the sentence was reduced to 18 years. The Supreme Court, on February 2019 confirmed the appeal decision.


In Afghanistan, women, and children are arrested and detained, often for minor offenses or crimes they did not commit. 
Moral crimes disproportionately impact women. Women can be jailed for up to three years for having sex outside marriage (including when they are victims of sexual violence). Once in police custody, they frequently face further sexual violence and human rights abuses, including the so-called “virginity tests” (a visual and physical hymen inspections).

The International Legal Fondation’s mission (The ILF) is to defend the rights of the poorest and most vulnerable people by building sustainable legal aid systems around the world.

As of May 2019, 163 mostly poor and uneducated Afghan women (together with 52 kids up to 5 years old) were incarcerated at the Women detention Center in Kabul for small crimes such as prostitution, adultery or drug smuggling. Often they had no choice and were forced into committing those crimes by a man (a father or a husband) who wielded emotional, sexual or economic power over them.

Guljamala, 30, and her daughter in the Women Detention Center in Kabul.

She was arrested on November 2018 and charged with drug trafficking. She was sentenced to 3 years.


Appeal Court, Kabul, Afghanistan on May 13th 2019.

Court decisions reflect cultural norms as well as the Islamic law (Sharia), and most judges and prosecutors are men.


Layla, 22, standing in front of Appeal Court's judges in Kabul on May 13th 2019. 
She married an abusive man who beat and raped her multiple times. After being repudiated, Layla met and felt in love with Nasrullah (with her in the photo). She left Kandahar for Kabul to marry him.
Her first husband, denying all claim of divorce and abuses, went to the police and accused Layla of adultery. Layla and Nasrullah were arrested in March 2019.
This photo was taken during their appeal. They will be both sentenced to 5 years and 1 month.


Juvenile Center in Kabul, May 2019. 

Meena, an ILF's lawyer, meeting with a 17 years old kid known as The Wolf. He was arrested 10 days before for allegedly stealing a mobile in the street. It is his 1st arrest and the 1st encounter with his lawyer.


Juvenile Center in Kabul, May 2019. 

“The Wolf” signing with his fingerprint the declaration he has given to his lawyer. At the moment, he denies all accusation and he is pleading not guilty.


Men Detention Center’s yard in Kabul. 

Baryalai, 20, former police officer. Arrested in September 2018 and charged with murder. He says he is innocent but was sentenced to 16 years.

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